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RW Meaning in CBSE Result 2024

RW Meaning in CBSE Result 2024 Just checked your CBSE results and saw a mysterious "RW" next to a subject? Don't worry, it doesn't necessarily mean all doom and gloom. Here's what that code means and what you can do about it.
What Does RW Stand for?
RW stands for "Result Withheld." This indicates the CBSE board is holding your result for that specific subject due to some pending issue.
Missing Documents
You might have forgotten to submit a required document during the exam process.
There could be a discrepancy in your marks or information.
Unfair Means
The board might suspect cheating and is investigating the case.
Contact Your School
Your school is the first point of contact for any issues related to your results. They can help you understand the reason behind the "RW" status and guide you on the next steps.
  • Withheld results usually get resolved within a reasonable timeframe
  • Cooperate with your school and the CBSE board to address the issue quickly
  • Keep copies of any documents you submit related to your result
Check the CBSE website
The CBSE website might have more information about your specific case.